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3 Reasons to Consider Crane Maintenance

December 14, 2023

Cranes are crucial for many tasks. It's safe to say that without cranes, modern society would look much different. Shipping might not be as fast, for example, and building skyscrapers would be immensely difficult, if not impossible. While cranes are wonderful tools, they also require occasional maintenance and upkeep. Let's look at why it's crucial to maintain your equipment with crane repairs.

1. Ensure Safety

If you don't maintain your crane properly, the risk of safety issues can increase dramatically. The United States Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that from 2011 to 2017, roughly 42 people died per year in a crane-related incident. If a crane is not well-maintained, it may be more likely to fail.

Crucial parts could break down while someone is operating the crane. This might result in loads falling or wires snapping. A poorly maintained crane may also be harder to control, which could increase the risks of an accident. Further, failsafe systems may also be less likely to work. Equipment and materials can be replaced. Lives, however, cannot be replaced. If you own or operate a crane, safety should always be at the top of your mind. This also means that crane maintenance is crucial as it can reduce risks and save lives.

2. Protect Your Investment

A crane is a considerable investment. Without proper maintenance and upkeep, a crane may break down more quickly. This could result in expensive crane repairs, or you might need to get a new crane altogether. Maintenance and repairs will also require an investment. According to Statista, revenue from repairs and installation of machinery and equipment in 2023 is projected to total US$143.90 billion. However, the right maintenance now could save you a lot of money in the long run.

3. Keep Projects on Track

If you're unloading a cargo ship and a crane breaks down, countless shipments may be delayed while you make crane repairs. This could cause you to miss deadlines and may delay other companies. Not only could that damage your reputation, but it could also result in lost revenues, higher costs, and many other issues.

Ultimately, preemptive crane repairs and maintenance could help you keep things on track. If you need help with maintenance or repair work, get in touch with Texas Crane Repair. We can work with various types of cranes.

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